%%abc-charset utf-8 X:1 T:Polska från Svanskog efter Per Fredriksson L:1/8 M:3/4 O:Svanskog, Värmland Z:Tom Glastonbury 2021-08-13 N:Transcribed as if played with even rhythm, but it's actually played kort etta. Transcription is based on track 25 from the album Pastern by Mats Edén, where the beat ratio is roughly 27:40:33. There's also a YouTube video titled "Mats Edén & Joel Bremer - Polska från Svanskog" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h1nX_Y-exU R:Polska K:A "^A-bas" e2 Ped/e/ (3:2:2Tf2 e | dc Bc (3:2:2d2 a | (3gbg (3efe (3dBG | Ac (3eac' e'2 | e2 Ped/e/ (3:2:2Tf2 e | dc Bc (3:2:2d2 a | (3gbg (3efe (3dBG |1 A2 A,3 PA, :|2 A2 A3 e |: {e} b2 Tba/b/ (3:2:2e'2 e | eg Tgf/g/ (3:2:2b2 e | fg (3afa (3geg | (3f^df e>f (3:2:2g2 a | b2 Tba/b/ (3:2:2e'2 e | eg Tgf/g/ (3:2:2b2 e | fg (3afa (3geg | (3f^df e2 z2 :|